Teaching Service Commission

Better Teachers, Stronger Nation

Summarizing the National Teacher Deployment Policy

As part of its teacher policies, the Teaching Service Commission’s Teacher Deployment Policy was developed to curb the problem of inequality in teacher distribution across the country as a result of the incessant movements and transfer of teachers from one school to the other without proper documentation.
What does the policy say?
* The TSC possess the sole right to deploy or transfer teachers all over the country
* The TSC shall deploy new teachers where there are vacancy and need, nation-wide
* The TSC shall encourage existing teachers to apply for positions in remote locations.
* The TSC shall consider new and serving teachers for promotion, based on the criteria set in the Professional Standards
Teachers, after having served for a period of 3 years (in a remote location) shall be entitled to the promotion and/or transfer to a less remote location of the teachers’ choice where a vacancy exists. The Commission is on nation-wide popularization of this policy by holding ‘Town Hall Meetings’ at the regional level, starting on Friday 16th October 2020 at the Port Loko District Council Hall, for the North-Western Region. In attendance are mission Education Secretaries, representatives from the Councils, Sierra Leone Teachers’ Union, Council of Principles of Secondary Schools, National Council of Head Teachers, and MBSSE District Directors. Most of the participants appreciate the policy and commit to supporting its implementation.
“I thank the Commission for this new policy and also for the education on it. We didn’t know about it, but now that we do, we will comply and support its implementation”
Commented Fatmata Koroma, Head Teacher of the FAWE School, Port Loko.
Some mission Education Secretaries, who have been responsible for the transfer and deployment of teachers for schools within their missions were a little concerned about their jobs, as commented Mr. Alhaji M.S Kamara, Education Secretary for District Education Council schools in Port Loko:
“I am happy about the policy as it will help the teachers stay in their schools and also foster equality in the distribution of teachers. However, wouldn’t this mean us losing our jobs?”
In response to this concern, Mr. Alimamy Bundu Kamara, TSC’s Deputy Director, Teacher Management, reaffirms that
“The Commission only takes the lead in the implementation of this policy, but will have to work with the respective school Managers/Education Secretaries”.

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